Interesting Videos

I was extremely busy for the past few days, and that is the reason why I couldn’t post anything on this blog. Today I thought of making a post, but couldn’t think of anything to write. So I decided to share a few cool videos that I found on the net.

Web 2.0

We hear the word Web 2.0 almost everyday. But do you know what exactly is Web 2.0? If not, see the 5 minute video below by Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University. The video was released almost an year back, so it is most probable that some of you have already seen it.

[youtube NLlGopyXT_g nolink]

Google Conspiracy

I saw this video on a post in Steven’s blog and found it cool. Actually, I stopped using Google Toolbar after reading an article on the same topic, a few months back.

[youtube _GzA9Xu_oEo nolink]

Ubuntu + Beryl

I have installed Ubuntu on my system only once. It was long back and Ubuntu wasn’t as good as it is now. But recently, after watching this video, I have decided to try it again.

[youtube ZD7QraljRfM nolink]
BTW, the MyBlogLog Contest conducted by Badi Jones of is coming to an end today. There are three prizes worth $1300 to be won. To enter the contest all you have to do is join the MyBlogLog community of SeoLogs and fill a simple form.

Also the Making Sales Making Money contest at ContestBlogger is going to end on Monday. The entry requirement is extremely simple and require you to link to the sponsor homepage using the text home based business opportunities and  to Contest Blogger homepage using the anchor text sweepstakes somewhere on your blog.

Categorized as Others

By Joyce

I am a co-founder and director of Ennexa Technologies. To know more about me, visit my about page. You can find a list of websites maintained by our company at the links page.

1 comment

  1. Yay for the vid on Web 2.0. I hear it hundreds of times a day, to the point where I have begun to just let it slide out of my realm of attention.

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