Local Analytics v1.2

Sorry for being a little late. As promised, I am releasing the latest version of Local Analytics today. Thanks to Carl and DG, this version is compatible with the latest update to code update to Google Analytics. This version also includes Adsense and YPN ad click tracking. The ad click tracker is based on the Free AdSense Tracker by Aaron Wall.

BTW, I have obtained access to the WP-Plugins.org SubVersion repository for Local Analytics. From now on, you can download the current version and the previous versions of the plugin from the WP Plugin Repository.

I have also fixed a mistake in the version number pattern. The last version was renamed to v1.1.3 from v1.13 to prevent conflicts in future.

Change Log

  • Included compatibility with latest Google Analytics Code Update
  • Added support for Adsense and YPN ad click tracking
  • Changed the version number pattern
Categorized as Wordpress

By Joyce

I am a co-founder and director of Ennexa Technologies. To know more about me, visit my about page. You can find a list of websites maintained by our company at the links page.


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